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Monday 1 August 2011

I absolutely dread toothaches. They are like unpredictable time bombs that just erupt with no warning whatsoever. I was stricken with swollen gums a few days back. As always visits to the dentist is purely agonizing. From the bitter cold of the clinic to the drilling sounds of ‘teeth borer’ – everything at a dental clinic is unfriendly and hostile to me.

Guess what I was not the only one who shared the same opinion. After my appointment, this middle age guy stared at me blankly as I walked out of the room. His face held a familiar look – the look of fear. His first words to me was not “Hi”, instead our conversation snowballed into something like this:

Guy: How was it? Was it painful?
lee: It’s not that painful (only to comfort him). You will be fine.
Guy: Is the dentist gentle?
lee: Yeah he is (this is true)
Guy: You seem ok
lee: Nods (Glad I manage to mask my fear. Imagine if I came out all pale, he would have shivered and ran out!)
Guy: I’ve not been to the dentist for many years. I’m actually scared. (For a middle age man to confess to a stranger that he is scared, that really is something!)
lee: (Manages a look of comfort) You will be fine. Dentist is nice. Whatever you do, don’t move too much even when it is painful!

Oh I’ve heard too many horror stories of dental patients. Let’s not get into that. For now my gums are healing, swelling has gone down. Caz even bought beers to brighten my day. The dentist took an x-ray and discovered that both my wisdom teeth were stuck under the gums. Eventually (which means in the near future) I will need to go for surgery to extract the little white rascals. Gives me shudders even thinking about it.

I’m sure I’m not the only person on the planet to go through this. Share your tooth surgery story and provide me some comfort. I’d love to hear about it. Email me or drop me a comment.


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Wilton Winrow said...

You need to conquer dental fear. Remember, you only need a visit or two to fix and cure the toothache permanently. Yes, it will take some drilling, but that's quite better than living with sudden and unpredictable bouts of toothache, is it not?

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generic viagra said...

Toothache is really very worst condition. You may go for acupressure in this case for immediate relief.

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Hertha Gearin said...

What a hilarious story you got here, Lee. Congratulations on your successful "pretending". If I were you I'd be freaking out, LOL. This story reminds me of my childhood when mom always accompanies me just to see our dentist, back then I always needed her presence inside that room but now I conquered it. Anyway, you know what they say, no matter how painful it gets, it's for your own good.

Michigan Dentist said...

Dental treatment fear is prevalent among kids and adults alike. The need is to introduce pain management strategies from the dentist's end. Many Dentists in our area are working on pain management effectively from the last couple of years.

Tabatha Aikins said...

Being scared of the dentist is a psychological challenge for a lot of people. Sometimes this stems from bad experience, but more often than not, it comes from fear instilled by outside influences, such as friends and family. But that is precisely why there are services nowadays such as sedation dentistry - to encourage people to visit their dentist more frequently.

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